Hold onto Your Bootstraps Here!  WHAT?  Really?  You're Kidding Right?....Nope.

Have an idea for a One Up Band design that you think the world should have?  If you do, well, bring it to life any way you can, submit it to us, and if we like what we see (and you're not the selfish type that likes to keep a good thing just to yourself), then WE (with your permission) will create it into an awesome One Up Band and give you a plug!  Oh, but that's just the beginning.....you will also be given the first 5 One Up Bands off the production line (so you can share the LOVE with your closest friends), and we'll make you a custom keychain FOB with the matching design for you to show off!  Wait, here comes the good part....we will FEATURE your chosen One Up Band design on our home page and start pushing (that's an industry term for 'selling') these bad boys (well, really, bad girls) all over the world!  And with that, you get paid a Royalty of $1 on every band sold!  It's just that simple.  If one million sell....well then, guess what, One Up Bands just made you a Millionaire!  Now your favorite song will be by the Bare Naked Ladies "If I had a million dollars"....or was your favorite song, because you do!
Pretty cool ehh....you can say it!  Now, get drawing or designing or whatever it is you do, and lets work together to make this a reality - and put a little splash in your pocket along the way.  We promise you'll have fun!   And maybe you'll be bragging to all your friends and the world that you are the select ONE UP!

Thanks for your time.  One Up Bands is eagerly waiting to see how creative you are!

Just make yourself a template in your computer measuring 17" long by 1.07" tall and design within that box.  You can let the art bleed off of the rectangle template if you like which is a cool look (like the glasses one below), but make sure any art you want to be captured on the band itself (like the flag sandals) is not to exceed 3/4" tall so nothing will get cut off during the printing process.  And don't worry if your art lays over the border of your box to get the effect like the owls below, for we can take what you send us and clean it up and send you back a final art proof if your design gets selected!  Any questions go to our "Contact Us" page and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible!  

See examples below for what we're referring to above.